Wednesday, April 09, 2014

PIP Presentations

We have had some of the most wonderful PIP's this week. I love how everyone has individualised their PIP presentations, from videos, models, PowerPoint presentations, journals, scrapbooks to posters! The projects have truly been magnificent, unique and extremely enjoyable. Although some of the students have know one another for quite some time now, it has been wonderful to watch the class connect with their peers and discover new things about each other.

April-Marie made a video all about her favourite things. We loved watching the interview with your pets, what a great idea April-Marie!
You can watch April-Marie's video by clicking on the link below.

Joshua R.
Joshua has been very interested in learning all about endangered animals and so for his PIP he created an endangered animal album PowerPoint presentation.
We loved learning all about endangered animals Joshua.
There were many questions for Joshua at the end of his presentation!

Liam made a scrapbook style journal all about him. 

Travis has recently moved into a new house. For his PIP he decided that he wanted to make a model of the floor plan of his new house that he loves.

Matthew V.
Matthew designed a big cardboard box call 'All About Me'. He filled his box with all kinds of interesting objects! We loved learning more about you Matthew. Great Job!

We loved listening to Allegra share about all the people in her family. Thanks Allegra!

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