Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Foggy Tuesday

The Foggy Tuesday
By April-Marie

I was asleep and I was safe. But then I woke to see emerging from the fog a GHOST!
It was terrifying! It started to make ghostly screams. Then it got closer and offered me a cake and we had a party, YAY!

The Foggy Tuesday
By Allegra

In the morning I woke up and had breakfast. I looked out of the window and it was foggy. The fog looked very grey, it looked like it was big clouds hovering around. I got dressed but the fog was still there. My mum did my hair but the fog was still there.

The Foggy Morning
By Alisha

Once upon a time at twelve in the morning I looked out the window and saw nothing. I thought it was a dream but then mum came in and said that it wasn't a dream and that it was fog! I asked her what fog is and she told me that its just water turned into steam. I said it looks like a white wall and smoke. It wasn't long before we had to go to school. But I had to stay at home because I was sick.

The Foggy Morning
By Joshua K.

When I woke up I looked outside my window. I saw lots of clouds and it was like a lagoon!

The Foggy Morning
By Chloe

When I woke up this morning I looked out my window and I thought there was an ocean in the sky. There was mermaids and fish. 

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