
This page is for communication to parents in our class.... it's a place to post up notes that have been sent home and general information communicated between school and home. The most recent notes should appear at the top of the page. For older notes, you will need to scroll down the page.


Thursday 27th August

Thursday 26th June



Thursday 8th May
This term, 2BV will be performing an item at assembly. We will be performing the story of Noah’s Ark on Tuesday 20th May. Family and friends are welcome to come along to the assembly which will commence at 2:00pm. The assembly will be held in the church auditorium.

A note will be coming home with information about what each person is required for their costumes. Leading up to the item it is important that all costumes are brought to school no later than Friday 16th May. Costumes don’t need to be fancy or expensive, you may even be able to use what you have at home for a costume.

Monday 7th April

We're almost at the end of Term . Our last week is very busy, so here is a little reminder of what is going on.

Monday - 1:30 pm Easter hat making in the classroom
Tuesday - Junior School Assembly
Thursday - Easter Hat Parade & Missions Day
Friday - No Library (books can be returned straight to the hub or kept until next term)

Home Readers and Sight Word lists will be changed next term.

Thursday 27th March


Tuesday 25th March


Tuesday 25th March



Friday 28th February

Bronze Award
In the next few weeks, some students will receive their Bronze Awards. This award (& an icy pole) will be awarded in class and recognises that these students have achieved the set criteria (listed below) for the Bronze Award.

Students are in the process of meeting with us to discuss the criteria they are doing well and setting a personal goal for an area that they are working towards achieving. Students will conference with the teacher a couple of times a term to reassess their personal goals and to be encouraged with areas of improvement and achievement. It has been amazing to see and hear students stating their goal and then seeing them working towards achieving it.

Bronze Criteria - to achieve BRONZE you must demonstrate the ability to regularly meet most of the criteria below. This needs to be demonstrated to all teachers both in the classroom and playground. 
  • Often follows school rules
  • Listens carefully in class
  • Tries to do his/her best work
  • Looks after his/her belongings
  • Finishes his/her school work on time
  • Tries hard to play safely in the classroom and playground
  • Is kind and caring to his/her friends
  • Takes care of school property

Silver Criteria - To achieve SILVER you must demonstrate the ability to regularly meet most of the criteria below. This needs to be  demonstrated to all teachers both in the classroom, playground and all school functions.
  • Regularly follows school rules
  • Listens carefully in class and school activities
  • Always tries hard to do his/her best work
  • Always finishes his/her work on time
  • Behaves sensibly and safely in the classroom and playground
  • Is always kind and caring towards others
  • Takes care of his/her belongings and school property
  • Consistently wears the school uniform appropriately

Gold Criteria - To achieve GOLD you must demonstrate the ability to regularly meet most of the criteria below. This needs to be  demonstrated to all teachers both in the classroom, playground and all school functions.

  • Follows school rules and is an outstanding example for others
  • Listens carefully and actively engages in class activities
  • Always completes work to the best of his/her ability
  • Displays outstanding work habits and attitude

Terms Given


Terms 1, 2, 3 & 4
  • Written Award presented in class
  • Ice Block


Terms 2, 3 & 4
  • Written Award presented at JS Assembly
  • Movie Afternoon


Term 4
  • Written Award presented at JS Presentation Night
  • Gold Celebration Party


Friday 28th February

Premier's Reading Challenge
The reading challenge is on! From the 3rd March til 22nd August, students can be involved in the Premier's Reading Challenge. There are so many books to choose from. Many of the titles are available in the Library, others you may find on your bookshelf at home. Permission notes were sent home for those wishing to participate and participants should have received their log in details by now. If you are still wanting your child to participate, please ask for a permission note.

For those participating, we will read some books from the booklist in class. When we do, we will post this on the blog (in the homework tab) so you can add these to your child's reading log. Students in Year 2 need to read 30 books during this challenge.

For more information, check out the Premier's Reading Challenge
For more information about book lists click here.


Here are a few helpful tips for making comments on our blog.

Thankyou to all the parents who were able to attend our Meet the Teacher evening. If you were unable to attend, you should have received the handout today. It is also posted here for your reference.

Water Fun Day note....

Welcome to Stage One 2014 note...

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