Thursday, April 03, 2014

Making Kazoos

2BV were very excited today that we were finally able to make our kazoos. As we have been learning about sound in Science this term, we've learnt that sound travels through vibrations and some of the many different ways that sound can be created.

Here's how we made our kazoos


  • cardboard roll / tube (one per student)
  • wax / baking paper
  • rubber bands
  • scissors
  1. Cut a small square of waz paper about one inch larger than the opening of the cardboard tube.
  2. Wrap the wax paper over one end of the tube and secure it with a rubber band.
  3. Put the open end of the kazoo up to your mouth and hum a tune into it.

In our lesson today, we explored how the kazoos amplified the sound when we hummed into them and how the sound of our voices changed when we spoke into the kazoos. We had lots of fun making funny sounds. We were all fascinated with the vibrations that could be heard and felt because of the baking paper on the end of the cardboard roll.

At the end of the day we used a kazoos to create our own version of 'Twinkle twinkle little star'.

Mums & dads, I am sure you were entertained by the kazoos that came home today.

1 comment:

  1. Dear: Mrs Brownlee & Vella,
    I could spot the class had lots of fun!!

    from dorothy
