Thursday, April 03, 2014

PIP Presentations from Wednesday & Thursday

My Family
April presented her PIP all about her family. She had illustrated her project on her own and shared about some of the things she enjoys doing with her family. Well done April.

My Family
Jack had prepared a poster with some favourite memories with his family. He presented this to the class well, speaking clearly & confidently in front of his peers. Great effort Jack!

Cheer leading
Abbey presented her PIP about all the things she loves about cheer leading. She used some of her favourite photos as prompts for her presentation to the class. Thanks for sharing about your cheer leading Abbey. 

A Tree about Me
Georgia had made a tree filled with everything about her. She shared about her family, likes, dislikes, favourite things, interests and sports. Thank you Georgia for all your efforts in making your PIP.

My Family Tree
Ayotomiwa shared about the people in her family and how they are part of her family tree. We loved hearing about your family.

All about Matthew
We enjoyed watching Matthew's PowerPoint presentation about him and the things he likes to do. Well done Matthew!

Stay tuned for more amazing PIPs from 2BV.

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