Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Remembering the ANZACS

This week we have spent some time reflecting on and learning about the sacrifices that were made by our armed forces during times of conflict. On Monday we had our ANZAC remembrance service and today we had a special incursion where we viewed medals and soldier's equipment. I am sure many stories will be told when students view the photos of all the things we experienced today. A huge thank you to Haylie's grandparents for the time and energy you invested in today so that we could all experience a little of what it could have been like for a soldier at war.

Happy Birthday April

We love celebrating our friends' birthdays in 2BV. Today we celebrated with April!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Foggy Tuesday

The Foggy Tuesday
By April-Marie

I was asleep and I was safe. But then I woke to see emerging from the fog a GHOST!
It was terrifying! It started to make ghostly screams. Then it got closer and offered me a cake and we had a party, YAY!

The Foggy Tuesday
By Allegra

In the morning I woke up and had breakfast. I looked out of the window and it was foggy. The fog looked very grey, it looked like it was big clouds hovering around. I got dressed but the fog was still there. My mum did my hair but the fog was still there.

The Foggy Morning
By Alisha

Once upon a time at twelve in the morning I looked out the window and saw nothing. I thought it was a dream but then mum came in and said that it wasn't a dream and that it was fog! I asked her what fog is and she told me that its just water turned into steam. I said it looks like a white wall and smoke. It wasn't long before we had to go to school. But I had to stay at home because I was sick.

The Foggy Morning
By Joshua K.

When I woke up I looked outside my window. I saw lots of clouds and it was like a lagoon!

The Foggy Morning
By Chloe

When I woke up this morning I looked out my window and I thought there was an ocean in the sky. There was mermaids and fish. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

2BV finishing Term One with Excellence

Well done to everyone in 2BV for all your hard work and achievements this term. Enjoy your holidays and time spent together with your family as you celebrate Easter together.

Great work Joshua and April-Marie - this week's award recipients.

 Today we all planted a few seeds to take home. With a bit of love and care hopefully you might get some little vegetables, herbs or flowers in the next 8-12 weeks (we did discuss how long it takes plants to grow).

We enjoyed our last few PIP presentations from Carter and Callum.

Callum - we were interested and a little scared as we learnt all about spiders. 

Carter - it was very interesting learning more about your family, seeing photos of you when you were a baby and hearing your stories.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Bronze Awards

Well done to Angus, Matthew, Alisha, Taylor & Ciara for achieving your Bronze level. It's been awesome to see each of you working on your personal goals that have helped you achieve this award.

Our Easter Hat Parade

2BV had a wonderful time at the Easter hat parade and then participating in Missions Day. Thankyou to all the parents, grandparents, aunties & uncles and any other family & friends that came to join in the activities of today.

Here are some pictures show the amazing effort everyone put into their hats. 

Special mention goes out to....
  • April-Marie & Chloe for the multicultural outfits you wore.
  • Joshua for winning the best hat in 2BV (impressive chickens!)
  • Abbey for guessing the name of that giant bear
  • Chloe for receiving the best multicultural outfit in Junior School