Saturday, June 21, 2014

Maths, PBLs, Daily 5 and a whole lot more!

Finns has settled in nicely to our classroom. The children are all enjoying having a turn to feed him. We were all getting a little worried that he wasn't eating his food, so we did some research. We learnt that he doesn't each as much food during the cooler months as his metabolism slows down. So we just feed him every second day. In the warmer months he'll probably be a bit more hungry.

Two fish? Three fish? Can anyone explain why there appears to be two or three fish in these photos?

As we have been exploring many aspects of our topic of water this term, we spent some time reading and writing some poems about rain and clouds. Have you seen our giant raindrop poems? 

 Here are some students practising drawing fractions.

Daily 5 - sharing word work and an amazing story from Joshua.

The students have been busy this term working on their PBL with the big idea of.... Being a Water Hero. This topic has been explored in a variety of ways by students as they work individually, with a partner or in small groups. They are working on models, books, plays, posters, comic strips, songs and so much more. Here are a few of their work in progress.

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