Friday, February 28, 2014

Searching for sounds

Well done Jack and Angus for your hard work this week.

Fun at sport playing Slide Hockey.We were having so much fun, we didn't realise it was recess time.

2BV have been so focused in our Daily 5 and have been loving working on writing.

This week, we have explored sounds in Science. We went on a sound search around the school. Some sounds we heard were the sprinkler, birds, footsteps, air conditioner unit near the canteen, loud voices, wind and leaves rustling and a plane. Have you been on a sound search at home? What did you hear?

1 comment:

  1. I was absolutely amazed when Angus started telling me about vibrations and how they can make sound! Seems like he had all the information and had no trouble telling us all about it! He obviously enjoyed this topic, a lot!!!
