Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Hello and Welcome!

Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of learning in 2BV with Mrs Brownlee and Mrs Vella!
We are very excited to share our classroom adventures with you every week.

Take a look at our reading space. Every morning during our Daily 5 time the book corner will light up with fairy lights.


  1. I love the fairy lights in the reading space!! What a great idea and the space looks so comfortable and inviting! I think it will be a very inspiring and comforting place for the students to work!

  2. It does look homely for them, has a comfortable and relaxed vibe. I think they will have a great year.

  3. The classroom looks amazing. Liam had a fantastic first day back with all his friends. One very happy boy.

    1. Hi Sharon, We loved having Liam in our class today and glad he enjoyed himself.

  4. Good work on the classroom, it looks like somewhere any child would love to be :)
