Friday, February 28, 2014

RFF with Mrs Downes

RFF stands for Release from Face to Face Teaching. Every week 2BV have Mrs Downes take the class for Music and Personal Development while either Mrs Vella or Mrs Brownlee plan their lessons.

This week we looked at pitch in Music and how high and low sounds are used in Music.

We then talked about families and made plasticine models of our family members.

Click on the links to see what we have done.

A visit from the chickens

Searching for sounds

Well done Jack and Angus for your hard work this week.

Fun at sport playing Slide Hockey.We were having so much fun, we didn't realise it was recess time.

2BV have been so focused in our Daily 5 and have been loving working on writing.

This week, we have explored sounds in Science. We went on a sound search around the school. Some sounds we heard were the sprinkler, birds, footsteps, air conditioner unit near the canteen, loud voices, wind and leaves rustling and a plane. Have you been on a sound search at home? What did you hear?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A few snapshots of our week

Building teamwork skills with Mrs Downes.....

Excellent efforts Georgia & Travis at the recent swimming carnival.

Fun in PE developing balls skills & at sport learning to play teeball, cricket and touch football.

We've been practicing our Daily 5, focussing on building stamina in read to self, read to someone and work on writing.

Well done everyone for your efforts this week. Special mention to Allegra, Cohen, Ayotomiwa and Matthew our Friday award recipients from the last two weeks. 

What did you enjoy the most?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What's that sound?

Today in Science, we explored how sound travels through vibrations. We were all fascinated with the experiment that caused rice to jump. The students enjoyed using rubber bands to make their own drums and guitars. This is how we made them.

Did you try to make one of these at home?
What was your favourite thing about our science lesson today?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Water Fun Day!

2BV had so much fun this afternoon taking part in all of the activities at the Water Fun Day! 

Sprinkler fun.

The frog ponds.

Friday, February 07, 2014

Friday awards

Congratulations Callum for excellent work in Mathematics & Chloe for such a settled and diligent attitude towards her work. Well done to all of 2BV for all your hard work this week.

What was your favorite thing about this week?

Our Magic Beach

As the summer school holidays have come to an end we thought it would be appropriate and most applicable to bring about a class discussion based around one of the most popular activities to do on summer holidays, the beach! I couldn't think of a more enticing and exciting beach orientated story book than Alison Lester's 'Magic Beach'. I love how this book encourages the students to use their imaginations in their own writing. What better way to describe a wave than "Wild white horses thundering past, racing to get to the land. plunging and prancing and tossing their heads, then fading away on the sand".

After exploring this wonderful story the class discussed their favourite beach adventure or something they like to do at the beach. We  then took it a step further and we used our imaginations to create a movie in our minds about the beach. The students were given the task to create a piece of writing about their magic beach and after drafting and editing a final class book was created entitled 'Our Magic Beach'.