Thursday, August 07, 2014

The Oaks Heritage Centre

Last week, 2BV went on an excursion to The Oaks Heritage Centre. Here are some of the things the students experienced, along with a few photos.Thank you to our amazing parent helpers - April-Marie's mum, Alisha's mum, Georgia's dad and Chloe's mum.

The Historic Rug
We saw and learnt about a quilt. It told us about Aboriginals and settlers. By Joshua


The Laundry
We had to wash clothes and it was fun. First, I did the dolly washer. That was fun. Second, I had to get a pole on my back with buckets to collect water. By Callum

The School room
The school room was amazing. The slate boards were cold. By Alisha
We got to see how the school was in the olden days. There were slate boards, slate pencils and desks. By Taylor

The Farm
We got to see how the chicken farms worked and how they sorted the apples. By Taylor


The Kitchen
My favourite part was cutting the beans. It would be so cool doing this everyday. By Carter
We got to make butter and eat pancakes. By Alisha

Aboriginal Painting
We painted a story with Aboriginal symbols. By Callum
We learnt how to understand Aboriginal writing, We made a story in their writing. By Joshua

At the end, we had some time to play on the playground equipment.

If you enjoyed visiting The Oaks Heritage Centre why not visit out there one weekend with your family.


  1. I loved the excursion. My favorite part was the Aboriginal painting. What was everyone else's favorite part of the excursion? From Allegra

  2. Wow what a great excursion and those who dressed up looked fantastic and very authentic. Thank you for the link to the Heritage Centre as we are planning on visiting in the upcoming school holidays. I'm glad the washing of clothes has made a lot of progress, I wouldn't have liked to have to wash clothes the "old fashioned way". Who would have liked having to fetch the water in buckets like that?
