Thursday, May 01, 2014

Water..... We all need it!

Today in 2BV we began our PBL (project based learning) journey for the term. Our topic is Water Heroes.

We all need water! So how can we be heroes and use water wisely....?

This term students will be involved in all sorts of activities learning about, investigating and exploring ways we use water and how we can make positive choices in the environment that surrounds us and the way in which we use water.

Today we explore water using our five senses. What does it....

Feel like?
Smell like? 
 Taste like?
 Look like?
 Sound like?

We investigated how salt changes water and found out that the only thing that changes in the taste!


This morning we talked about saying nice words instead of bad words. We read Ephesians 5:4 and it warns against talking mean or bad language. Dirty jokes and words may seem harmless but they're not. Imagine throwing a handful of mud into a jug of water. The mud would ruin the water immediately by contaminating it. Our minds can be contaminated by saying or hearing dirty talk. Instead God wants us to speak nicely to each other. We can pray and ask God to help us have self control when we are having trouble speaking nicely.

Would you drink this? Yuck!!!

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