Tuesday, March 04, 2014

HSIE adventures!

2BV have been learning all about reading the landscape in HSIE lessons this term. We have learnt to identify what alpine, rainforest, grassland, desert and coastal landscapes look like as well as becoming familiar with the relationship between the environment and human activity. We have been working on our vocabulary for describing geographical locations.

Yesterday we went on a landscape walk around our school. We took iPads along with us so that we could create a gallery of photographs which depict the school landscape. As well as taking photographs we also collected relevant items along our walk.

A few photographs from the student gallery.
I was super impressed at the students photography skills!


  1. Hi 2BV,
    These photos look very nice! I think you guys will grow up to be excellent photographers!
    From Rahul (6SL)

  2. I think there are some excellent photographers in the class! Great work! It's great to hear the kids talking about the environment and how we have an impact on it and how we can look after it! They all look like they are enjoying this topic!!
