Sunday, July 27, 2014

Off and racing into Term 3

Welcome back to Term 3! We've had a busy start to the term and the students have been enthusiastic to get involved in their learning activities. We've been excited to meet Mrs Zantides and get to know her. A super big WELCOME to Daniel. We're so glad you've come to join 2BV and we're looking forward to getting to know you. Congratulations to our award recipients too!
Week 1 - Ciara, Carter & Chloe
Week 2 - Cohen, Daniel and Matthew (who was absent and will receive his award on Monday)

This week we have been busy learning about 3D shapes and the students have loved exploring the properties of these, using the terms vertices, faces and corners (and apex) to describe their shapes as they made them with mini marshmallows and toothpicks.... lots of fun and yummy too!


In Art we have been exploring different types of lines: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, zigzag, concentric circles, wavy and angular. This was an interesting listening activity and following instructions.

Fridays are always filled with fun activities. This term Stage One are doing Dancing with Miss Oddy doing an amazing job as DJ. We've had a lot of fun learning the Macarena and the Heel & Toe Polka. (Sorry about some of the blurred images - the students were all moving so fast!)


Remember next week, on Thursday 31st July,  it is our excursion to Wollondilly Heritage Centre. Check out their website to give you a little bit of a taste of the things we might see and do on our excursion.

Have you got your costume organised for our excursion?